Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust
Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust

Executive Principal’s welcome

Thank you for looking at our website.

High expectations and an aspirational outlook have long been the ethos and foundations of this school and Trust.

I feel privileged to be in an organisation with such strong values and to work alongside staff, governors and trustees determined to unlock the potential of the young people we serve.

But while we want all our students to have the best possible academic outcomes, this will not be at the expense of ensuring unparallelled enrichment opportunities, their wellbeing is looked after, and they are encouraged to have a strong connection with the wider community.

Parents and carers are key to a child’s success. We will work closely with them and appreciate their positive support.

Please get in touch via with any questions.

Mr Philip Dickinson
Executive Principal

Learn More

Neurodiversity Celebration Week
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Careers Week Start
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  • "We create opportunities and develop the confidence to excel – together"

  • "We guide our children in embracing every opportunity to ignite their curiosity, giving them the tools to engage in and enjoy learning to achieve excellence."

  • "Our staff are pivotal in broadening our children’s understanding, encouraging a wider perception of the world."

  • "We maximise opportunities, in collaboration with families and partner organisations, so that all of our children are supported to realise their true potential."