Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust
Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust

Leave Of Absence

Academy Procedure for Student Leave of Absence Request

A student who takes two weeks' leave during term-time is missing 50 hours of their Academy contact time or 3000 minutes. The 'knock-on' effect is that the student and their teachers have to retrace the lost time which causes disruption to timetables and fellow students' learning.

No parent or carer has a right to withdraw a student from the Academy to go on holiday during term-time without the sole permission of the Academy Principal and Governing Body. A maximum of 10 days may be granted in exceptional circumstances. Please ensure you are granted Leave of Absence before you book your holiday.

The aim of the Senior Management Team and the Governing Body is to work with you to enhance the outstanding achievements that the Academy is renowned for and to build upon the success of recent years. We would, therefore, ask for your support in improving Academy attendance by ensuring that requests for holidays in term-time are made only in exceptional circumstances.

  1. Parent/Carer must complete a Leave of Absence form giving at least two full week's notice.
  2. The Academy checks legislation and guidance, including what constitutes 'special circumstances' and what constitutes 'exceptional circumstances', and reasons for authorising/not authorising Leave of Absence.
  3. The Academy may telephone the parent/carer if insufficient information is submitted.
  4. The Principal may grant or deny the request.
  5. The Academy completes the 'Reasons for Refusal' on Leave of Absence form.
  6. The Academy returns the form to the parent, files copies of all paperwork as evidence, copy retained for Education Welfare Service.
  7. The Academy monitors attendance/absence over the appropriate period.
  8. The Academy informs the Education Welfare Service of related unauthorised absence.
  9. Academy and Education Welfare Service liaise to determine course of action which may include Referral, action towards Penalty Notice, Fast Track to Improving Attendance (up to and including Prosecution).

Please note:

All requests for Leave of Absence must be submitted prior to a student's absence, as permission cannot be given retrospectively.

Some examination courses include controlled assessments. These assessments constitute a percentage of the overall grade and are mandatory. Apart from the actual assessment there is a period of time in which students are prepared for these tests. These assessments are staggered throughout Years 10 and 11. It is therefore impossible for students to be granted leave of absence once examination courses have begun in Year 10 as the impact on their achievement would be seriously impaired.

Leave of Absence Request Form