Parents / carers are advised the new council car park opposite the main entrance - designed to provide safer drop-off / pick-up points - is opening on Monday (20th January).
The academy's worked with North East Lincolnshire Council to ensure there will be no charge for using it for drop off / pick up between 8am and 9am and 3pm and 4pm.
All the parking bays, not just the ones in a designated drop-off zone, can be used for these purposes.
The 54-space car park, run by North East Lincolnshire Council, will be open from 7am until 6pm during term time. There is a 2.3-metre height restriction on entry.
The site will be closed from 6pm with barriers preventing evening and night-time entry.
Outside of the free drop off times, normal council parking charges will apply. These will be £1.50 for two hours and £2.50 for the full day.
Parents / carers attending appointments can avoid the charges by continuing to park in the visitor bays by the fence at the academy.
Academy families and staff are advised the council is introducing parking and stopping restrictions, such as double yellow lines, along both sides of Station Road to ensure drop-offs are made in the car park only.
The council says these restrictions are in place to help prevent parents parking on the grass verges either side of the road.