Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust
Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust

Families letter 13.09.24


11 September 2024

Dear families,

As this new academic year and term is well underway, I wanted to write with some updates for all families. It has been a busy and exciting start with plenty happening at WTBA. It has been wonderful to see all students and staff back in school after the summer break. I have been hugely impressed at how students have settled quickly and positively back into the routines of school life and it has been particularly lovely to see older students supporting and guiding our new year 7 students finding their way around the academy.

School photographs

School photographs for years 7, 9, 11 and 12 on Monday 16 September.

If you would like to purchase your child’s school photograph, they will come home with a small card with a link to purchase directly from the photography company.

Photographs for year 8 and 10 and whole year group photographs are being organised for later this term and we will write separately with further details.

Main open evening

Our open evening for prospective Year 7 students in the future will be held on Tuesday 17 September from 5pm – 7.30pm.

I am grateful to a number of our current students who are volunteering on the evening to help with tours or helping in departments.

It promises to be a fantastic evening. Please do encourage anyone with children, particularly in Years 4 and 5 to attend.

Waltham Toll Bar Alumni

Toll Bar is a school with a rich history and real connections remain in our local community. It is with this in mind that we are keen to set up an alumni of former students to keep in touch with and hopefully involve in the life of our school today.

If you, or your friends or family, are former Toll Bar students and would like to register your interest in joining our alumni to find out more, please send an email address to with your name and the years you attended the school. We will then send further information.

It would be lovely to establish the alumni and begin to build on the great history of our school.

Pre-public examinations

Year 11 mock examinations will take place from 06 January to 17 January 2025. These examinations are crucial in identifying where students are now in order to help them make further progress throughout the remainder of the term and academic year before the GCSE examinations commence on 06 May 2025.

The mock examination results will be circulated to you followed by a Year 11 parents/carers evening to discuss the results with your child’s subject teachers.

Year 9 assessments

Year 9 students will be undertaking assessments in all of their subjects from 16 September to 27 September. These are important assessments which will give us a clear baseline of where students are as we begin the academic year. It will also give students and staff useful information as the GCSE options choice process begins later this term.


We have been exceptionally pleased with uniform standards as students have returned from the summer. Thank you for your support with the new academy tie.

Whole school assembly

We have received a great deal of positive feedback following our first ever whole school assembly. It was an important opportunity to bring the whole school community together and remind them of what they are part of. Student conduct was impeccable throughout. The production showcase of Matilda and the rewards ceremony for students were particularly positive.

Production auditions

Following the whole school assembly featuring part of last year’s production, I am delighted to confirm that this year’s production will be Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Auditions have commenced in earnest for this and students will be informed of positions in the coming weeks. Good luck to all involved!

New drop off car park

I am acutely aware of some of the issues some parents/carers face when dropping off or picking up at the beginning and end of the day particularly given the busyness of our car park and station road. We have been working extensively with the local authority over many months and we are delighted that the new drop off car park immediately across from the academy has been approved. You may have seen that grounds work has already started on this car park with good progress being made over the last week. We will circulate more information when the car park is open.

Rewards and praise

Celebrating our students successes and achievements is one of our three core values as a school. Rewarding, praising and encouraging students is something we all feel strongly about at Waltham Toll Bar. I am delighted that thousands of achievement points have already been given out over the first full week of the new academic year. Well done to Year 9 students for being the year group with the highest number of points collectively – a fantastic 18, 920 points issued!

Foster friendly link

You may be aware that we recently became the first ‘fostering friendly’ school in the country. This means we are committed to supporting foster families and provide additional support for both our colleagues and foster parents. This is a link with further information if you are interested in finding out more:

First ‘Foster Friendly’ school in North East Lincolnshire | NELC (

Enrichment and extra-curricular clubs

I am so proud that we offer more than 50 different enrichment clubs. All the clubs are free of charge and run from 3pm – 4pm. A link to the overview of the clubs available is below:

Waltham Toll Bar Academy - Enrichment

The clubs will not be cancelled and in the rare event they are a text message will be sent to parents/carers to ensure you are aware.

Yours sincerely,

N.J. Whittle