6 January 2022
Dear Parent/Carer
The main series of Year 8 examinations will commence on Monday 24 January 2022 and run until Friday 28 January 2022. A copy of the timetable is attached.
Please ensure that your child arrives fully equipped for each examination (as detailed in the enclosed instructions). Please note that equipment for normal lessons should be brought for Periods 3 and 4 each day. Students must bring their planner every day.
May I remind you that mobile phones and MP3 players are not allowed in the Academy. The Examinations Boards are severe in their penalties for students who bring mobile phones, MP3 players or smartwatches into the examination venues.
These examinations are important because they indicate the standard achieved by your child and these results will be reported to you in AS5 on 25 February 2022.
Yours faithfully
Mrs E Taylor
Assistant Principal
Miss V J Watts
Interim Principal