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Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust
Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust

Matilda delights sell-out audiences

STUDENTS of Waltham Toll Bar Academy hosted a remarkable rendition of Matilda the Musical at Cleethorpes Parkway Cinema. The performance received enthusiastic receptions from two sell-out audiences as the 59 students performed at the town’s largest theatre. The musical offered them an insight into the acting world and created brilliant opportunities to gain vital experience in a sought-after industry.

Co-Director of Arts at the Academy, Gemma Carter, was delighted at its success.

“The show sold out for both nights, which was absolutely fantastic,” she said.

“We had to strategically think about how we were going to make this work and I’m delighted with how the show went.”

Gemma said they could not have done it without the hard work and dedication from the students.

“Their commitment to rehearsals has been absolutely key in producing a high quality show that received some excellent feedback.

“We have been working with the students, building their characterisation, confidence and seeing their dedication. That was the most important thing we have witnessed.”

It was the Academy’s first main-scale production for many years, so there was a sense of intrigue as well as excitement towards the project. The performance exceeded expectations last Wednesday and Thursday nights.

Principal Mr Whittle was delighted how the musical had gone.

“It was an overwhelming success and students and staff should be proud of how well it went,” he said. “Deserved standing ovations says it all.

“The students performed to an absolute professional level and credit must be given to them as well as the amazing staff.”

With Matilda being performed in Parkway Cinema rather than in the school hall, it provided a brilliant opportunity for the students to resemble the professional-like character of the acting world. The students seized their chances.

Mr Whittle thanked parents, families and members of the public who turned out to support the shows. Paula and Kerry were part of the audience.

“The atmosphere was really good. Everyone was really enjoying it and at the end, everyone stood up and gave a standing ovation,” they said.

Article by Samuel Hayles, Toll Bar Sixth Form