Mike Stroud, Executive Development Chef for Mellors, in the kitchens at Tollbar Academy. The caterers are now providing all of Tollbar Multi Academy Trust's school meals at its seven Academies.
An award-winning catering provider with more than 25 years’ experience in school meals has won the contract to provide healthy, nutritious food for Tollbar Multi Academy Trust’s 5,000 students.
Mellors Catering Services is the leading school caterer in the North of England. The company operates 368 catering contracts in the education sector.
Mellors prides itself on creative food development, centred around their experienced and enthusiastic Food and Nutrition team. They devise exciting menus delivering a wide choice of food offers that are great value. They have a large network of local suppliers providing the ingredients that allow its customers to enjoy high quality meals every day.
Martin Brown, Chief Executive at Tollbar Multi Academy Trust, said, “Mellors won the contract because of their obvious enthusiasm for food,” he explained. “This company is dedicated to putting healthy food on children’s plates and their devotion to providing healthy meals using fresh produce won us all over.”
“In the final stages of the process each provider gave a food presentation where representatives of students and staff from all of our academies were able to share their opinions with the selection panel.
“We are absolutely delighted to be working with Mellors and, although it is very early days, we have already seen the difference they are making with really positive feedback from students and staff.”
Mellors Executive Development Chef Mike Stroud says, “As a company we have a responsibility for the nutrition of the pupils in our care.
“We are passionate about food and every dish we serve is a reflection of us,” he explained. “We source the best ingredients and produce the very best food for the students.”
Anne Kavanagh, Director of Operations, said the company is thrilled to have added the Trust’s seven schools to its portfolio. She said that each school will be treated individually so that the menu choice offers personalisation for the students in each location.
Anne says the Trust’s transferring catering team have fully embraced the changes and that the team are positively looking forward to the journey ahead.
“We are thrilled to be working with the Trust and are looking forward to a long-term partnership. We recognise the importance of bringing added value events to the schools and the wider community that are fun, engaging and inspiring and we can’t wait to get started.
Mark Timmerman, Managing Director for Mellors Catering Services, who started the company in 1986, said: “Our success is built on the quality fresh food we provide our pupils and, of course, the 1,843 fabulous catering staff that are so motivated and dedicated in these challenging times.
“Tollbar Trust has put its faith in Mellors to cater for its pupils 190 days a year. We are honoured to have been chosen by the Trust and look forward to working with all seven schools in the years ahead to make each catering department one we can all be proud of.
“We actively encourage parents and guardians to visit Mellors website for information on menus and food provenance. There is also a page where you can pose questions to Mellors’ Nutritionists about your child’s school meals and dietary needs. We are all invested in the success of our services at Tollbar Trust and quality meals to your son or daughter, so feel free to contact us directly on the Mellors customer hotline with any feedback or queries. Mark Timmerman (Mellors Managing Director 07947 730 620).”
Mellors staff meet with Victoria Watts (Interim Principal of Tollbar Academy) as they prepare to serve their first lunches to Academy students. Pictured (l-r) with Victoria Watts are Mike Stroud (Mellors Executive Development Chef and Area Manager), Karen Perkins (Catering Manager) and Anne Kavanagh (Director of Operations for Mellors Catering).
Making their choice from a range of delicious pasta pots in recyclable bowls are Tollbar Academy students: Miley Watson (11), Oliver Cape-Melbourne (11) and Andy Fishwick (11).
Students and staff can choose from a wide range of hot and cold food, including pasta pots, freshly made sandwiches and main meals, such as curry and chilli. The menu runs on a three-week cycle.